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Gallery Help

    Loading Pictures to your Gallery album can be done in two easy steps:
  • Prepare your pictures for easy and fast upload
  • or go right to uploading them
  • Upload (upload help) your pictures to your Gallery album

  • There is substantial help within the program. Locate the help button and click on it to find out more about how to navigate the Gallery site.

    Preparing to upload your Photos

    To save you time and to prevent errors, you should prepare your pictures for upload. That includes putting them in a location on your computer so can easily find them, and reducing the size of them before uploading. The size can be automatically reduced to a max that is implimented in the software, but it will still save time and possible errors if you do it before upload. If you want to reduce them yourself, below are instructions and you can use the same knowledge to do it before attaching photos to email. Otherwise if you have them where you can easily find them to upload, you can continue to the upload instructions here.

    Picture images that are rendered and utilized on the internet are far less resolution that what modern digital cameras. Ever have an attachment picture sent in an email that was so large you had to scroll across and up and down to see the picture? (sure we all have) The reason for that is that most computers are set to around 800X600 resolution with a few at 1020 resolution. Larger that than doesn't give easy readability but makes gaming look good.

    Picture for sharing/viewing on the internet should be reduced from the 2000or 3000 width sizes down to about 800 or 1020 before uploading to sites. There are a number of ways to do this before uploading your pictures but one of the easiest ways is to locate and copy all your pictures you want to upload into a folder on your computer that will just hold those pictures, maybe named internet pictures or something so you can easily find them. Then get a program that is freeware and let it do the work for you! One that I have used and that works very easily is called "Fotosizer" and can be readily downloaded and used free without any malware or other obnoxious inclusions. Fotosizer can be gotten here Download Fotosizer .

    The program allows you to select a directory full of images or a single image and reduce the size to what your need. It also allows you to select where you want them to put the resized images, maybe in a directory you name "upload internet" or where you can easily find them when you want to upload them. Just select a size to reduce them to like 640 or 800 and keep image ratios. It will automatically do the work for you with no image loss and leave your originals exactly as you have them! The program is excellent also for reducing those "giant" pictures before attaching them to an email. It not only will speed up the sending and receiving of the email, but will allow those that receive it to be able to view it in any browser.

    OK, now that we have our picture ready to upload and share with everyone else here, let's move on to help on how to How To Upload Your Pictures